I recently wrote a tiny little tool called Claw to help me work on large codebases in gEdit. It provides a terminal that lets you search for files by name and content using very minimal syntax, and it numbers the search results so you can just type a number to open the file using any shell command. In the last few days I converted its tests from Test::Unit to Cucumber and added a lot more coverage, and found Cucumber to be very nice for testing command-line UIs.
Test::Unit and RSpec work fine when you’re just calling methods and testing
their return values, stuff like assert [:foo, :bar].include?(:foo)
"ruby".upcase.should == "RUBY"
. The thing about command-line apps is that they
mostly output their results as side effects, such as writing to standard out,
modifying files, making network calls etc. Testing these things often involves
stubs and mock objects and these can make your tests harder to follow, but
Cucumber lets you hide all that behind easy-to-read prose.
To illustrate, let’s write a little app ourselves using TDD. Let’s make a few directories:
mkdir tdd-terminal
cd tdd-terminal
mkdir lib
mkdir -p features/step_definitions
mkdir -p features/support
Let’s write a spec for our program. This is a stripped down version of the Claw spec that contains enough details to illustrate how to test command-line apps: we’ve got some visible output to verify, and a side effect of running the program: it should open files for us when we issue certain commands.
# features/search_for_files.feature
Feature: Search for files
Given I start the app with "-c gedit"
Scenario: Find files by name
Given I enter "foo"
Then I should see
1. foo.txt
Scenario: Open a matching file
Given I enter "foo"
And I enter "1"
Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit"
Let’s run the feature using Cucumber:
Feature: Search for files Background: # features/search_for_files.feature:3 Given I start the app with "-c gedit" # features/search_for_files.feature:4 Scenario: Find files by name # features/search_for_files.feature:6 Given I enter "foo" # features/search_for_files.feature:7 Then I should see # features/search_for_files.feature:8 """ 1. foo.txt """ Scenario: Open a matching file # features/search_for_files.feature:13 Given I enter "foo" # features/search_for_files.feature:14 And I enter "1" # features/search_for_files.feature:15 Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit" # features/search_for_files.feature:16 2 scenarios (2 undefined) 7 steps (7 undefined) 0m0.041s You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets: Given /^I start the app with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| pending end Given /^I enter "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| pending end Then /^I should see$/ do |string| pending end Then /^"([^\"]*)" should be open in "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1, arg2| pending end
Take the generated step definitions and copy them into
. Re-running the tests you should
see the steps marked as pending or skipped rather than undefined. Let’s
implement the first step, the one that starts our app.
Given /^I start the app with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |command|
@io = StringIO.new
@app = Terminal.new(command.split(/\s+/), @io)
Here we take the command-line argument string and split it up to mimic what we’d
expect to receive in ARGV
when running the app for real. We also make an IO
object and give it to the app: instead of calling Kernel#puts
our app will
call puts
on whatever object we pass in. In production this would be Kernel
but for testing we want an object that we can read from so we can check what the
app prints. Run the tests again:
Feature: Search for files Background: # features/search_for_files.feature:3 Given I start the app with "-c gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:1 uninitialized constant Terminal (NameError) ./features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:3:in `/^I start the app with "([^\"]*)"$/' features/search_for_files.feature:4:in `Given I start the app with "-c gedit"' Scenario: Find files by name # features/search_for_files.feature:6 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 Then I should see # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:10 """ 1. foo.txt """ Scenario: Open a matching file # features/search_for_files.feature:13 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 And I enter "1" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:14 Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/search_for_files.feature:6 # Scenario: Find files by name 2 scenarios (1 failed, 1 skipped) 7 steps (1 failed, 6 skipped)
We need to go and implement our Terminal
class to get the first step working.
First, enter the following in features/support/env.rb
# features/support/env.rb
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/terminal'
require 'spec/mocks'
This tells Cucumber to load our application and RSpec’s mocking library before
running the tests. We need to give it something to load, so let’s put the
following in lib/terminal.rb
# lib/terminal.rb
require 'oyster'
class Terminal
BIN_SPEC = Oyster.spec do
string :command
def initialize(argv, io)
@options = BIN_SPEC.parse(argv)
@stdout = io
The constructor takes an array of command-line input (should be ARGV
production) and an output device to puts
to. I’m using my Oyster gem to
parse the input into an options hash, and storing a reference to the output
device for later use. This should be enough code to turn our first step green:
Feature: Search for files Background: # features/search_for_files.feature:3 Given I start the app with "-c gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:1 Scenario: Find files by name # features/search_for_files.feature:6 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 TODO (Cucumber::Pending) ./features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:7:in `/^I enter "([^\"]*)"$/' features/search_for_files.feature:7:in `Given I enter "foo"' Then I should see # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:10 """ 1. foo.txt """ Scenario: Open a matching file # features/search_for_files.feature:13 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 TODO (Cucumber::Pending) ./features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:7:in `/^I enter "([^\"]*)"$/' features/search_for_files.feature:14:in `Given I enter "foo"' And I enter "1" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:14 2 scenarios (2 pending) 7 steps (3 skipped, 2 pending, 2 passed)
Let’s implement the next step, “Given I enter”. This step just needs to send the command to the app, the app just needs to receive the command to get the step to pass.
# features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb
Given /^I enter "([^\"]*)"$/ do |command|
# lib/terminal.rb
def interpret(command)
Running the tests now gives:
Feature: Search for files Background: # features/search_for_files.feature:3 Given I start the app with "-c gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:1 Scenario: Find files by name # features/search_for_files.feature:6 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 Then I should see # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:10 """ 1. foo.txt """ TODO (Cucumber::Pending) ./features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:11:in `/^I should see$/' features/search_for_files.feature:8:in `Then I should see' Scenario: Open a matching file # features/search_for_files.feature:13 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 And I enter "1" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:6 Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:14 TODO (Cucumber::Pending) ./features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:15:in `/^"([^\"]*)" should be open in "([^\"]*)"$/' features/search_for_files.feature:16:in `Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit"' 2 scenarios (2 pending) 7 steps (2 pending, 5 passed)
Now I’m going to tackle the remaining pending steps in one go since their
implementation overlaps somewhat. First we need to implement the “I should see”
step, which will just read from our @io
object to find out what the app has
# features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb
Then /^I should see$/ do |string|
@io.read.gsub(/\n*$/, "").should == string
To implement the step that checks that a file was openned, we want to know that the app shelled out to the relevant program to tell it to open the file. To support this, I’m going to stub out the system call method on the app and collect any commands we’d normally send to the shell. In our first step:
# features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb
Given /^I start the app with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |command|
@io = StringIO.new
@app = Terminal.new(command.split(/\s+/), @io)
@commands = []
@app.stub('`') { |cmd| @commands << cmd }
Then to implement the “should be open” step we can inspect this array to see if the right command was called:
# features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb
Then /^"([^\"]*)" should be open in "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, program|
@commands.should include("#{program} #{path}")
One more test run:
Feature: Search for files Background: # features/search_for_files.feature:3 Given I start the app with "-c gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:1 Scenario: Find files by name # features/search_for_files.feature:6 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:9 Then I should see # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:13 """ 1. foo.txt """ expected: "1. foo.txt", got: "" (using ==) Diff: @@ -1,2 +1 @@ -1. foo.txt (Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError) ./features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:15:in `/^I should see$/' features/search_for_files.feature:8:in `Then I should see' Scenario: Open a matching file # features/search_for_files.feature:13 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:9 And I enter "1" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:9 Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:18 expected [] to include "gedit foo.txt" (Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError) ./features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:19:in `/^"([^\"]*)" should be open in "([^\"]*)"$/' features/search_for_files.feature:16:in `Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit"' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/search_for_files.feature:6 # Scenario: Find files by name cucumber features/search_for_files.feature:13 # Scenario: Open a matching file 2 scenarios (2 failed) 7 steps (2 failed, 5 passed)
Finally, we implement code in the app to make these steps pass. I’m not going to actually write the search logic, just the logic to print output and open files so that our tests pass.
# lib/terminal.rb
require 'oyster'
class Terminal
BIN_SPEC = Oyster.spec do
string :command
def initialize(argv, io)
@options = BIN_SPEC.parse(argv)
@stdout = io
@results = []
def interpret(command)
case command
when /^\d+$/ then open_result(command.to_i - 1)
@results = command.split(/\s+/).map { |f| "#{f}.txt" }
def open_result(index)
`#{ @options[:command] } #{ @results[index] }`
def print_results
@results.each_with_index do |result, i|
@stdout.puts "#{ i+1 }. #{ result }"
We should get a nice green list of cukes now:
Feature: Search for files Background: # features/search_for_files.feature:3 Given I start the app with "-c gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:1 Scenario: Find files by name # features/search_for_files.feature:6 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:9 Then I should see # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:13 """ 1. foo.txt """ Scenario: Open a matching file # features/search_for_files.feature:13 Given I enter "foo" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:9 And I enter "1" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:9 Then "foo.txt" should be open in "gedit" # features/step_definitions/terminal_steps.rb:18 2 scenarios (2 passed) 7 steps (7 passed)
Now that you have a well-tested frontend for your app, you can flesh it out with
business logic, adding more tests using “Given I enter”, “I should see” as you
go. Finally, you can easily add an executable for your project that supplies
real input/output objects and runs the application. In bin/terminal
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'readline'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/terminal'
app = Terminal.new(ARGV, Kernel)
loop { app.interpret(Readline.readline('> ')) }
Just chmod +x bin/terminal
and run it, and you should see it running just like
your tests say it should.